Thursday, September 13, 2007

Since the trip to Costa rica something has change. Maybe within me or something or something feel off when I was over there. I can't quite put my finger on it but something new. If you don't know I have dreams and I believe that is how the Lord speak to me when I am not listening and in my stubborn do it myself state of mind, and while I was down there in Costa rica I was having dreams.
Job 33:14-18
14 But God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it. 15 He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in bed. 16 He whispers in their ear and terrifies them with his warning. 17 He causes them to change their minds; he keeps them from pride. 18 He keeps them from the grave, from crossing over the river of death.

Need I say anymore. If you understand these verses you can see how stubborn and do it myself I really am and how the Lord speak to my heart..He warns me But anywayz upon my return there is a young man name pete who the Lord put in my path. I meet him while I was at work just sharing the gospel on the job. I love doing that. The Lord is just calling this young man I could just see it. After talking to him that one day he would frequently stop by just to talk and listen to the Holy Spirit because that who was speaking it wasn't me but Him. So a few months past and yada yada yada.. Anyways as I return from Costa rica this young man called me up just wanting to get together and just talk. Well we did and the question he was asking me whoa! I could see that this young atheist man was searching and the Lord was drawing him by His Holy Spirit in a personal way. I didn't know what to say but the Lord did. All I am able to do is share my testimony in how Jesus revealed himself to me in a personal way. I am just a refer ee to the one and only true Lord and Saviour. Jesus. Upon that talk with pete I gave him a bible and encourage him to read it and if he needed anything I would be there for him with pray or whateva. It was awesome. The Lord faithfulness in this young man, and in all our lives. He put him in my life to step my game up.. And that what the Lord is going.. Be ready in and out of season

Pray for Pete
Well as you can see I haven't been on here in a minute. The last couple of nights I have been staying up real late. Due to the fact that Mountains Dews and candy keep me energized. That is beside my point, but I am currently reading a couple of books at this time. One you probably have heard of which is Apostolic Foundations by Art Katz which I am reading at a very slow pace. I am also reading this book by Ervin Raphael McManus called Soul Craving which is really interesting with me right now. I mean interesting by what he is expressing, revealing, and sharing. This book unlike Arts is more like a journal. It just entries of testimonies I might say; His journey. Its pretty interesting to read if I might say. Intimacy, meaning, and destiiny...
Over all these book have been really helpful in my walk thus far... I am still waiting though